Change Is Not Such a Bad Thing

Wayne Beck
4 min readJun 2, 2021


First in a series of articles based on my book, Finding My Twenty-Five: the Prime of Your Life Is Now.

Any change in life is challenging, whether we chose the change, or it happens upon you.

Over the next weeks, In this article series, I’m going to be sharing excerpts and stories from my new book, Finding My Twenty-Five: The Prime of Your Life Is Now. Finding My Twenty-Five launched on May 26th on Amazon and Kindle. Here is the link.

I hope you find it inspiring and supportive of your life mission and purposes. And that the reading leads you to discover what motivates you to follow your path or discover new and amazing options. Finding My Twenty-Five shows how deliberate change makes life richer and more meaningful. I interweave my story into the real-life experiences of people reaching for higher purposes while facing the difficult challenges of life.

In my 50s I was thriving in my career. I had been assured on several occasions that because of my effective work performance I could choose to stay in my assignment indefinitely, that is, until I chose to retire. I was making an impact, changing the world. But, as they say, nothing is a sure thing in life.

Change happens. It doesn’t have to be fun, but it can sure be rewarding

I loved my job. Then I was given a two-minute heads-up of numerous organizational transfers. I was on the list. As the initial shock sank in, I worked my new assignment for a year while I looked at future options. At the end of that year, I knew I wanted to find a new environment and set a new course. My new supervisor asked what position I wanted to aim for within the organization. I didn’t have an answer; I’d already been where I wanted to be.

It really was time for me to jump the tracks and forge new paths and new realms. I felt like I was 25 again, with the freedom to select my path and to modify it according to evolving circumstances. I had been surrounded by twentysomethings most of my life. Their stories and experiences inspired me to break free.

As the world around me evolved, I choose to adhere to two constants in my life: be grateful, and bless someone’s life, every day. Just as when I was in my twenties, circumstances changed as I stepped away from my career. Just like many twenty-five-year-olds, I was still a bit foggy on what my future would be. One opportunity slipped away as demand for the work evaporated. Then I pushed aside other opportunities when my mother-in-law’s health condition caused me to realign my priorities to help care for her. Reflecting back, I could see God’s hand in my life and the lives of others around me. I was grateful for unforeseen alterations of circumstances which gave me the freedom to serve where I was most needed.

As I worked to make adjustments in my path of life, I took a step back and remembered that the most inspirational people I have known, observed, or read about are distinguished by how they respond to and manage change.

Working with and mingling with twentysomethings throughout my life gives me distinct vantage points. As I reach out to them, I can understand and support them. In return, they become mentors to me. I truly find that my relationships definitely reflect a win-win positioning.

The best mentoring I receive from others is when I support them in their goals and aspirations.

I have learned to envision them living their dreams and fulfilling vital roles in the world and in their own lives. Then I become a witness to their challenges and successes as they continue to grow in judgment, wisdom, and understanding.

I wrote Finding My Twenty-Five so that we can learn together how amazing and resilient people build on both challenging opportunities and the trials of life. Together we can be inspired as they enhance and develop their own paths and successes.

As I made changes in my life in my 50s I found I could not do it alone. We have the opportunity to be inspired by people we meet in person or remotely. With one exception, the stories I share in this book are excerpts from the lives of real people. One of God’s greatest gifts is the gift of each other as we learn and grow together. Finding My Twenty-Five shows that as you make choices and carve out your path, life continues to become more fulfilling.

If you want to connect, you can reach me here via email,, or Instagram wlbecks, FB



Wayne Beck

Having been on the frontlines, I’m deeply familiar with life’s challenges and traumas. I’m inspired by courageous people who triumph and succeed.