5 Steps to Be a Catalyst for Someone
-Change the world every day.
“You have a voice and a story worth telling. You never know who you will inspire or what results you can accomplish. Your story may save lives.”
Johan Rosén https://medium.com/think-say-do/inspirational-people-ef5a5e02e352
Five Steps to Impact Someone’s Life, and to Be Changed Yourself
- Prepare for opportunities to live your core principles.
- Observe your surroundings and your feelings.
- Take action.
- Learn from every encounter.
- Serve.
How Five Minutes Changed Two Worlds
A couple of weeks ago I was preparing for my day in meditation and prayer. I prayed that I would somehow be inspired by someone, and that in turn I could in some way have an impact on someone’s life. That afternoon I went for a trail run. I had just parked my car, tanked up on water and was ready to go. As I got out of the car I heard a mountain bike zip by behind me. I felt something at that moment and observed what was happening. The rider quickly stopped a couple of stalls over and loaded his bike onto his Jeep. Among all the people milling about, something stood out about the rider. I took action by introducing myself. Conversation came naturally and immediately.
In less than five minutes I learned more from Ryan about thriving through adversity than I could have learned reading an entire volume. He has spent most of his life in a wheelchair due to a chronic vascular and muscle condition. He recently analyzed his condition and determined that with the right preparation and grit he could be able to walk. He went on calorie restriction to lose weight, went to the gym to build his upper body and with very limited muscle capacity in his legs, he began to walk and is now riding a mountain bike.
I was inspired and uplifted, changed forever. Ryan inspired me and served me by openly sharing his experiences and his resolve. I walked away grateful for his influence.
Later that day he sent me a message. I told him that how he had really lifted me up. To my surprise, he told me that I had given him “a boost on a rather down day.”
Ryan has a goal to hike a 1.25 mile trail with a 1,000’ elevation gain. He asked if I could serve him by joining him when he is ready to accomplish that feat.
A Catalyst for Change
Each of us is a part of our Universe and we cannot live (or die) without influencing one another. We do not live in a vacuum. Each of us, not only has the opportunity or obligation to influence one another, whether we chose to or not, we are always touching the lives of others. Everyone we meet, or merely encounter influences us in some way. Even a quick glance at someone’s facial expression leaves an imprint, that we may or may not be conscious of. People we have never met influence us, people from across the sea or from prior generations.
Whatever the case or another’s history, you will influence everyone that you encounter. That imprint becomes part of the whole of the Universe. You will in turn be forever changed in some way.
Be Catalyst for Good
Thirty three years ago, today, I was sworn in as a police officer. A number of people attempted to discourage me, saying that I would not be able to change the world, that I was just a drop in a large bucket. After taking the oath of office, on my own, I committed to pray each day that I could positively and permanently impact someone’s life. I have been abundantly blessed with such opportunities. In the process I continue to be abundantly blessed by others.
Usually we don’t realize that we’re changing someone’s world. I came to realize this a few years ago when a casual acquaintance who was moving away told me that he had often pondered, sometimes for days, over things that I had said and how he could apply them to his life. I had no idea that I had said anything substantial. I was humbled and certainly grateful that I hadn’t said anything that might have had a negative impact.
Core Principles
If your life is based on core principles, you will naturally express those principles, whether consciously or not. When you think of those life changing moments when someone else has influenced you, you may ask yourself if they were conscious of having had a profound impact on you.